Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Dear, Me one day I will make you proud.
One day you will look at me with loving eyes and you will see beauty etched in the scars upon my skin.
One day you will forgive me for all those times I hurt you.
One day you will understand me and except me as I am.
One day I will show you that I am worthy of love, and happiness.
One day you will no longer feel resentment towards me.
One day you will admire me. You will see all the struggles I went through and be amazed I made it this far.
One day you will think about me, and it will make you smile.
One day you will see my true potential.
One day I will inspire you and be everything you ever wished you could be.
One day you will see that I have always done my best even in the worst of situations.
One day you will forgive me for all of my mistakes that caused you pain.
One day you will realize not all the bad things that happened to you were my fault.
One day you will stop beating me up every time you get upset.
One day you will see me in a different light.
One day I will be you and that day you will love me.
Love always present me.

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